Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Faces of Ancient Greece

We visited the National Archaeological Museum today, finally. Much talk about this very nice museum. Interestingly, we have seen replicas of some of the pieces in other museums in our travels. Still, it was nice to walk through and shoot some interesting antiquities. I focused on faces, trying to look into the souls of the people of antiquity. 

you know I loved the three Graces featured on a large vase

And some other interesting shots, as well...

exquisite carving on this ancient comb

Aphrodite fixin' to smack Pan with her sandal :-)

A Greek warrior fighting two Amazons

lots of funerary items - gives a good idea what the common people thought was important

the gem of the museum - the 'smiting' Zeus in bronze - awesome!

I wish you could have seen Chuck acting like the vase! So funny.
The docents do not allow anyone to mimic the statues for photos, but I wonder if
acting like a vase would have been prohibited, as well!
(that is one huge vase!)

1 comment:

Ari C'rona said...

I would love to see Chuck act like a vase! haha! Wonder why they don't allow people to mimic statues for pics...

The women fascinate me most - the looks between the women, especially.