Sunday, March 22, 2015

Daily Life in Athens

There are just some things you see in Athens every time you walk about. 
I don't want to forget them! 
I wonder if the locals even see them anymore...

Sandal shops - this one has an interesting display (did you check the note?)

a classic taverna menu

the nut sellers with their portable carts

the Happy Train for tourists that insists on driving through the most populated areas

Gypsy women trying to hand tourists "free" roses - no, they are not free, I'm afraid.
They are extremely persistent, however.

(Chuck trying not to get us lost!)

Amazing old buildings. Unfortunately, it is very costly to renovate these turn-of-the-century
buildings, so many of them sit vacant and crumbling.

at the Syntagma Metro station, which in fact, is on top of an archaeological site - there are exhibits of what they found
and a display of the dig layers all along one long wall

Chuck was taken with the cool clock

information about the excavation of the station

1 comment:

Ari C'rona said...

Love the pic of you! :o)